The Voice and American Idol- Much more than singing shows.

motivation Mar 15, 2023

My wife, Susan, and I like to watch The Voice and America Idol. We very rarely miss a show of either. As I was watching last night, I was thinking that the biggest reason I like to watch is not about the music, although I do enjoy most of that, it’s about the struggle. As I watch these shows they do a very good job of portraying the story behind these artists who have overcome obstacles to go for their dreams.

Some contestants are young and have postponed their careers, some have overcome physical ailments, and some have put off their dreams to support their families. But the commonality among all of them is that they are not giving up on their dream. It may have been postponed by an obstacle, or many obstacles, but they still are chasing that dream.

How many of us have the fortitude to do that, chase our dreams no matter how difficult it may be? After rejection and rejection, how many people would keep going? The answer is not many.
So why is that? Why don’t most people chase their dreams no matter what the obstacles are? The answer is FEAR. Fear of disappointing yourself and your family. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of being in front of the public. Fear of saying something that would make you look like an idiot.  I could go on and on, but it all comes down to FEAR!

It’s so much easier to just quit and do what the rest of society does. (And probably what their family is telling them to do.) Get a job, with benefits, something secure so you don’t have to worry about bills, rent, or feeding your family. Don’t get me wrong here, I am all for people who get a job and take care of themselves and their families. It’s what runs our society. But is it necessary to just drop your dreams?

Some of the folks on these shows may have gone that route. But that dream just kept eating at them and eventually, they said the hell with the fear! I’m going to chase this dream no matter what. I’m going to put the work in, do what it takes to get where I want to go, and give it my all to reach my dream. Will they all be successful? Nope. Only a few get chosen on these shows, and of those, only a small percentage actually make it big. But what’s fun to watch is the pursuit of the dream, and that’s why these shows do so well in the ratings. We love underdogs, those who have struggled in some way but end up reaching their dreams. It not only makes for good tv, but it makes for a good life story. Even those who don’t reach their dreams will inspire others to chase theirs.

One of my favorite sayings is “Success is incumbent on dreams!” If we didn’t have dreams this country, and humankind in general, would have ended long ago. Dreams are what keep people going to overcome objections, and if they are to reach those dreams, they must first decide to conquer their biggest obstacle, FEAR! Another one of my favorite sayings is:

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”
 George Addair


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