High Hanging Fruit

plan your pivot Nov 16, 2022

The other day I was talking to an audio-visual pro in preparation for an upcoming presentation on my Plan Your Pivot course. I explained that this course was designed to help agents maneuver in this market and make a plan to get the business that is out there in all markets. He said, "Oh yeah, the high-hanging fruit. I have some realtor friends who have had it made the last few years just picking the low-hanging fruit." I said, "That's right! We have been spoiled over the past few years!"

There is a ton of buzz about how the housing market has sunk in just the past 6 months, and most of it is true. But the one story that agents need to focus on hasn't been written. That story is that there is still business to be had out there, and there will ALWAYS be business to be had out there. It just takes more work than we have been accustomed to in the past few years. 

In my market, the sales are down about 38% versus last year. Yes, that's significant, but that means there is still 62% of the business from last year to be had. Also, remember that last year was one of the best years we have ever had, so 62% of a record year is still significant opportunity! 

In my Plan Your Pivot course I coach agents on how to find those opportunities in their market and pick that high-hanging fruit. We review areas of real estate that operate in all markets, like relo, probate, senior transition, and others. There are also new and upcoming markets that agents can become experts in, like green homes and smart home technology. Also, let's not forget the unique niche markets that every area has. It could be resort homes, waterfront homes, or anything unique to an area. The key is to become the expert in that niche. 

Look, it all comes down to this, if agents are going to survive a downturn they will need to step outside their box and expand their business in some way. The opportunities are out there, you just need to go grab your extra tall ladder and go get that fruit! 

Thank you, I appreciate your time.

Brad Staplin is a Real Estate Broker, Business-Life Coach, and a Certified Professional Coach. His coaching philosophy is to "Live Life Unbalanced!" The scales of life should always be tilted on the side of you, your family, and your friends. The freedom of living life unbalanced will attract “more than enough” business to live the life you dreamed of when you started your business. For more information visit www.bradstaplincoaching.com or you can email Brad directly at [email protected].


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